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Giovanni Bellini, Christ Carrying the Cross, 1501. Oil on panel, 52.9 x 42.3 cm. Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

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Giovanni Bellini, Christ Carrying the Cross, 1503. Oil on panel, 49.5 x 38.7 cm. Toledo, Ohio, Museum of Fine Arts., 190.40.

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Alessandro Oliverio, Portrait of a Man, 1515-1520. Oil on panel, 67 x 57 cm. Dublin, the National Gallery of Ireland, NGI 239.

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Alessandro Oliverio? (Bergamo or Venice, pre-1500 - post-1544)
Christ Carrying the Cross, post 1510. Panel, 56 x 46.6 cm. Private collection.

Alessandro Oliverio Italian school, ante 1500-post 1544
Christ Carrying the Cross/ Christ portant sa croix, 1505-1510
Oil on panel/ huile sur panneau
19 11/16 x 16 5/16 in
50 x 41.5 cm
50 x 41.5 cm
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We would like to thank Bozena Anna Kowalczyk for writing the description of this painting and for her help in identifying the painter. Anchise Tempestini has also confirmed that the painting belongs to the artist's body of work/ Nous tenons à remercier Bozena Anna Kowalczyk pour avoir rédigé la description de ce tableau et pour son aide dans l'identification du peintre. Anchise Tempestini nous a également confirmé l'appartenance de l'oeuvre au corpus de l'artiste
Collection Count Hubert Ludwig de la Fontaine and d'Harnoncourt-Unverzagt (1789-1846) (as indicated on a label at the verso), from 1826 at Hrotovice Castle, Trebic, Czech Republic; purchased in 1836 with the entire collection and the castle by Georg Simon von Sina (1783-1856); transferred in about 1847 by his son Simon Sina to Mysliborice Castle, Trebic, Czech Republic, which had been bought in 1845 by his father (it appears in an undated inventory, under no. 438, as "Bild no. 339 Christus"); by inheritance, in 1876, to Simon's daughter Iphigenie Sina (1847-1914), Duchess of Castries, who in 1882 sold Hrotovice and Mysliborice for 2,400,000 gold coins to Baron Anton Dreher of Schwechat; Mysliborice Castle, 1885 (inventory 1886-1891, "Bild no. 339 Christus"; inventory 1921, room 9, no. 216, "44 x 50, back no. 112 and 25 D'H[arnoncourt], front no. 339, Christ with the Cross, oil on oak [sic!]. panel, second half of the 16th century"); Antiqua auction sale, Prague, 1921, no. 12 ("Italian Master of the 16th century"); UK Private Collection
A detailed description of this painting is available in the "selected artists" section.