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Frans Hals - Portrait of Adriaen van Ostade - National Gallery of Arts - Washington - USA

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Jan Vermeer - detail of The Glass of Wine - Gemäldegalerie - Berlin - Germany

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Caspar Casteleyn - Self-portrait at the age of 36 - Private collection

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Casper Casteleyn, Young Man in a Beret 1652 - Custodia Foundation Paris France

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Portrait of a bride - whereabouts unknown

Casper Casteleyn Dutch school, C. 1625-After 1661
Portrait of a Newlywed/ Portrait d'un jeune marié, 1646
Black chalk on parchment/ Pierre noire sur vélin
9 x 7 1/2 in
23 x 19 cm
23 x 19 cm
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A detailed description of this painting is available in the "selected artists" section.